Immigrants Deserve a Second Chance

Every year during Second Chances month we reflect on the barriers to re-entry that formerly incarcerated people face. Many people leave jail or prison with significant trauma and few resources to rebuild their lives. Incarceration separates people from their social networks and forces people to start at square one; additionally, federal and local governments often […]

Admin Platform Policy Memo

Together, Immigrant Justice Network (IJN) members and New Way Forward Campaign partner organizations developed this Platform for Immigrant Justice based on our collective decades of deep experience fighting criminalization and advancing a vision of immigrant justice that centers individuals who have had contact with the criminal legal system.  Together, we call on President Biden to […]

Platform for Immigrant Justice

The Immigrant Justice Network (IJN) and our partner organizations call on President Biden to take strong action on behalf of all immigrants. Immigration policies cannot rely on outcomes from a criminal legal system that is fundamentally unjust, racialized, and built to target Black and Brown people.

A Second Chance for All

 Nearly one in three adults in America has a criminal record. Even after being released from prison or jail, formerly incarcerated people continue to face lifelong effects of their imprisonment, including barriers to employment, education, housing, public assistance, and other necessary resources to reenter society. Black people and other communities of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and […]

“How Did We Get Here?” Video Series

The immigration and criminal legal system have worked together to target, incarcerate, and deport thousands of immigrants every year. But how did we get here? How has the United States been able to create the largest immigration detention system in the world? Criminalizing Migration For decades, the laws that make migration a criminal offense have […]

DHS Enforcement of Deportation Priorities Explainer

On September 30, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a memo on its immigration“enforcement priorities” – creating three main categories of people who will be targeted for arrest,detention, and deportation. This Memo went into effect on November 29, 2021 and will replace the priormemos issued by the Biden administration on its detention and deportation […]

Strategic Plan Executive Summary 2020-2024

The Immigrant Justice Network (IJN) is a leading advocacy voice against the criminalization of immigrants in the United States. Grounded in racial justice values, we build power to defend the dignity of all immigrants. This document details our strategic plan for 2020-2024.


Ngày 30 tháng 9, Bộ An Ninh Nội Địa (DHS) ban hành một công văn về “những ưu tiên trục xuất” của chính quyền Biden – liệt kê thể loại những người sẽ trở thành mục tiêu bắt bớ, giam giữ và trục xuất. Công văn này sẽ có hiệu lực vào ngày 29 tháng […]

What is the Immigration Proposal in the House Build Back Better Bill? (Work Permits, Parole, Plan C)? What are its Limitations?

The immigration proposal being advanced by the Democrats grants “parole” under immigration law to a limited group of immigrants without status. This explainer breaks down the immigration proposal and its limitations.

Informe: Memorando de las Prioridades de Deportación

El 30 de septiembre, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) emitió un memorando sobre las“prioridades de deportación” de inmigración de la administración Biden, que enumera las categorías depersonas que serán objeto de arresto, detención y deportación. Este memorando entrará en efecto el 29 denoviembre de 2021 y reemplazará los memorandos anteriores emitidos por la administración […]

DHS Deportation Priorities Memo Explainer

On September 30, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a memo on the Biden administration’s “deportation priorities” – listing categories of people who will be targeted for arrest, detention, and deportation. This Memo will go into effect on November 29, 2021 and will replace the prior memos issued by the Biden administration on its […]

The Immigrant Justice Network is a leading advocacy voice against the criminalization of immigrants in the United States. Grounded in racial justice values, we build power to defend the dignity of all immigrants.