New Way Forward Backgrounder

Harsh immigration laws disproportionately lead to the targeting, jailing, and destruction of families of color. Anti-immigrant laws passed in 1996 drove mass incarceration and mass deportation of people of color. A harmful law passed by a white supremacist Senator in 1929 has also enabled significant abuses in recent years, from “assembly-line” hearings of shackled people, […]

New Way Forward: Messaging in the Moment

In the midst of a global pandemic, immigrants in the United States are locked in immigration detention centers, where they face escalating exposure to COVID-19 in inhumane conditions. The New Way Forward Act (HR 5383) is a powerful step towards dismantling our abusive immigration system.

We Keep Us Safe: Tips for Immigrant Protestors and Jail Support

10 Things to Know for Immigrant Protestors & Jail Support

Mandatory Detention Backgrounder

For decades, immigration authorities have relied on “mandatory detention” to justify some of the most egregious due process and humanitarian violations that have occurred in the immigration system. This is in part why there are a number of bills such as the New Way Forward Act and the Dignity Not Detention Act that have been […]

3 Principles on Criminalization

Three principles for advocates and organizers & actions to support across the country

Dismantle, Don’t Expand

A new report by the Immigrant Rights Clinic at NYU School of Law and the Immigrant Justice Network (IJN) warns against increasing funding for the abusive deportation system, established by controversial Clinton-era legislation. Dismantle, Don’t Expand: The 1996 Immigration Laws offers policy-makers, advocates, and reporters an accessible study of the 1996 laws, the devastating human and […]

The Immigrant Justice Network is a leading advocacy voice against the criminalization of immigrants in the United States. Grounded in racial justice values, we build power to defend the dignity of all immigrants.